Based on a lot of input and a little time and resource to the website, we have been able to open up the website to allow submissions to be considered from anywhere WITHIN the United Kingdom. A few are already appearing in York, North Wales and elsewhere. So if you cannot get to London and want to contribute to this easy way to display your favourite building stone, submit your information and images in the usual way.
It is possible it will take few days for Ruth or me to verify the building stone before it appears on the site.
You do need to note that all entries outside the M25 will not be displayed on mobile devices which remains as a focus for sites within greater London. Those outside London will only be visible on the main website.
If you need more information about how to make a submission we will be adding some notes to the website soon, in the meantime, Dave and Ruth are happy to help if you drop us an email.
Ruth Siddall –
Dave Wallis –
A new milestone has been reachedSo, with new entries by early July 2017 from new pavement geologists we have now exceeded 1500 sites within London, great going, our next target will be 2000 sites within the next 12 months, so come on everybody. There must be some areas of London that don’t have ANY pins and by all the laws of average there will be some interesting building stones in that area ?
A new article about London Pavement Geology in CityLab!Many thanks to Feargus O’Sullivan for writing about London Pavement geology in his article ‘Where to Find Fossils, Lava, and Meteorites in London’s Buildings’